Saturday, January 5, 2008

We Have A Winner!

Roscoe had a really difficult time deciding the blog candy winner. A couple of the New Year's resolutions had him ROFLOL, like Cindy's "My resolution is to use up my huge stash of craft stuff before buying more." This was a recurring theme which had him totally out of control at one point since he knows that the best part of crafting is SHOPPING for craft stuff and, of course, hoarding it. I have taught him well. He was confused by JenMarie's resolution to "Stamp More, Eat Less!" Roscoe gets the Stamp More part, but he will have absolutely nothing to do with the Eat Less. He is a very good eater :O)

Other great resolutions included exercising and learning to shake off the small stuff. Some stampers plan to focus on quality time with friends & family and making time for prayer and Bible study. These are all great resolutions and we wish you the best in maintaining them through the coming year.

Okay, now for the winner, Cheryl from Madison, WI wrote: "My new year's resolution is to donate at least $1000 to the Crohn's and Colits Foundation. Since I'm a SAHM with no income, I will achieve my goal by not buying any craft supplies (except adhesive and page protectors) for an entire year. I did something similar to this a few years ago, and I know that even though it will be hard, I can do it." You can visit Cheryl's blog here where she has a link to the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation site. This site offers more information about this terrible disease and you can make a donation to help Cheryl reach her goal. Roscoe & I will help her along by sending her blog candy so she can keep on stampin' and scrappin through her efforts to raise funds. Thanks so much for your entry Cheryl and good luck on achieving your New Year's resolution (please email your snail mail at

Thank you everyone for playing and Happy Stampin'! EdieB


JenMarie said...

Congrats to Cheryl! That is amazing!

Cheryl KVD said...

Thank you so very, very much!!!! Not only do I LOVE the blog candy, but I really appreciate you telling your readers about the Crohn's and Colits Foundation and how I'm raising funds!! This is truely wonderful and it makes my day!! Thanks to you too Roscoe!